666 Old Country Road, Suite 301 
Garden City, New York 11530

Seidner & Associates Settles Relocation Petition

Our client retained Seidner & Associates to file a Petition for Relocation to Florida, where she could provide a better life for her three children. In New York she was laid off from her job, living with her parents, and was owed thousands of dollars in child support from her ex-husband. Unfortunately, the father, who only visited his children sporadically, vigorously opposed the move. After months of motion practice, attorney Matthew Seidner prepared for trial. As Mr. Seidner was ready to make his opening statement in Supreme Court, the father finally came to the conclusion that he was going to lose the case and indicated that he wanted to avoid trial and settle. The conversation moved from the courthouse to our adversary’s office where negotiations went into the late night hours and resumed the next morning when the settlement agreement was signed. Our client is happily living a much better life in Florida, where she is employed, engaged, and her children are flourishing.


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