666 Old Country Road, Suite 301 
Garden City, New York 11530

Do I Need a Divorce? Understanding Your Options with Seidner Law

The answer to this question is more times than not usually very complicated, and no one can answer that but you. There are lists and reasons you’ve gone over in your head a thousand times but perhaps you need professional advice. In his article, “Why People in a Bad Marriage Stay Married,” Dr. Fredric Neuman states very bluntly that if the reason you are staying with your spouse in an unhappy marriage is one of the common ones, divorce might be the right step for you.

The main reasons Dr. Neuman sees his clients stay in unhappy marriages are generally unvarying and unfortunately are gender and economy blind (neutral). These reasons include, but are not limited to: children, money, estrangement or fear of embarrassment in social circles, too much work to follow through with the process of divorce, and fear of loneliness.

Dr. Neuman disavows these in the simplest way; if you are not happy in your marriage then the environment you are living in is not a good one. Children are often aware when there is tension in their lives, especially between their parents who should be the most stable. In adult years, people frequently reflect on their unhappy childhood home life and realize that a divorce would have been a better solution to their families problems.

At Seidner & Associates, P.C. we promise to make this difficult time as smooth (straightforward) as we can for you. We’ll bring an aggressive and appropriate (rational, necessary) approach that will attain the necessary results for you and your families’ well-being and future. We’ll support you throughout this process in a way unparalleled by any other law firm.


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