666 Old Country Road, Suite 301 
Garden City, New York 11530

Child Custody Attorney

Child Custody Attorney in Nassau, Queens, and Suffolk County

One of the most challenging aspects of divorce is deciding who gets custody of the children. Both parents often hope to spend as much time as they can with their children post-divorce, which can result in conflicts since their wishes may not always align. In child custody cases in Nassau, Queens, and Suffolk Counties, while parents’ preferences are important, the court’s primary focus is always the child’s best interests. This is why you need to work with an attorney who recognizes that the very care of your children is on the line. At The Law Offices of Seidner & Associates, PC, attorney Matthew S. Seidner, and his team have spent years helping parents in Nassau, Queens, and Suffolk Counties reach agreements that suit both their needs and those of their children. Give us a call at (516) 345-9900 or contact us online to learn how our child custody lawyers can help you find a fair solution for your child custody situation.

How Child Custody Proceedings Work in Nassau, Queens, and Suffolk Counties?

The entirety of New York family laws involving children are designed to prioritize what is best for them. These laws cover both physical and legal custody and involve various factors to determine the most suitable custodial arrangement. Physical custody dictates where the child lives. If a parent has physical (residential) custody, it means the child resides with them. You can get joint physical custody (the child lives with both parents at different times) or sole physical custody (the child lives with one parent, and the other has visitation rights). Legal custody is the right to make major decisions about the child’s life, including their education, health care, and religious upbringing. Like physical custody, this can be sole legal custody (one parent has the authority to make major decisions), or joint (both parents share decision-making responsibilities). The family courts consider certain factors when making custody decisions, all centered around the child’s best interests:
  • Who primarily takes care of the child currently
  • The parenting abilities of each parent
  • The child’s present living situation and the duration of their stay there
  • Which parent can more reliably provide stable nourishment, education, and healthcare
  • Any past incidents of substance misuse
  • The quality of the child’s existing home environment
  • The work schedules of each parent
  • If any siblings exist and whether they will stay together
  • The child’s interactions with siblings and other family members
  • Each parent’s readiness to collaborate with the other
  • If there are any previous instances of domestic violence on the part of either parent
  • The emotional, financial, and physical well-being of each parent
  • And more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can grandparents seek custody or visitation rights in Nassau, Queens, and Suffolk Counties?

Yes, they can – if the court determines that it will be important for child’s well-being and the grandparents already have an existing relationship with that child. Based on this, this usually only works in extraordinary circumstances, like when both parents are unfit or deceased.

What factors does the court consider when determining child custody matters in same-sex couples’ cases?

The same factors as in any custody case (as discussed previously). The sexual orientation of the parents is not a factor in custody decisions.

How does military deployment affect child custody arrangements?

Child custody laws allow for temporary modifications to custody orders during a parent’s deployment. The custody arrangement reverts back once the parent returns unless there is evidence that this would not be in the child’s best interests.

Can a child’s preference for custody be considered in court?

Yes, if the child is older and mature enough to express a reasonable opinion.

Is it possible to have joint physical custody if the parents live far apart?

Generally speaking, yes, but it really depends on the circumstances. The court will consider if such an arrangement is feasible and in the best interests of the child, taking into account factors like the child’s age, school schedule, and the parents’ ability to arrange transportation.

What happens if one parent interferes with the other parent’s visitation rights?

The aggrieved parent can file a petition in court. The court may enforce the visitation order, modify it, or, in severe cases, change custody arrangements. If the parent continues to interfere, they may face legal consequences.

Find the Right Custody Solution with Our Child Custody Attorneys in Nassau, Queens, and Suffolk Counties

Few things in a divorce are as taxing as when parents clash over who gets custody of the child. It can take a toll on the kids, especially amid a hostile child custody dispute. At The Law Offices of Seidner & Associates, PC, we focus on what matters most: your child’s safety and happiness. If you are in Nassau, Queens, or Suffolk County, we can guide you toward an agreement that safeguards your child’s future. We are with you every step of the way, fighting for a fair and caring custody arrangement. Contact us at (516) 345-9900 or send us a message online for a complimentary child custody case review.


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