666 Old Country Road, Suite 301 
Garden City, New York 11530

Firm Updates

Decision Awards Our Client Sole Legal and Residential Custody

After waiting over a year for a decision after the trial, the Court granted our client’s petition to modify custody and awarded her sole legal and residential custody of the parties’ two children with a specific visitation schedule outlined for the noncustodial parent. Our client is ecstatic and relieved that the children will have consistency

Decision Awards Our Client Sole Legal and Residential Custody Read More »

Court dismisses adversary’s enforcement petition and signs our custody order

After the Court granted our client sole custody on default, the Respondent filed another enforcement petition. The Court dismissed his petition because Respondent failed to cooperate with the forensic evaluator and did not appear without providing any notice. Instead, the Court signed our firm’s proposed Order granting our client sole custody and Respondent parenting time

Court dismisses adversary’s enforcement petition and signs our custody order Read More »

Court dismisses petition for failure to establish a prima facie case

Without having to file a written motion, the Court granted an oral application made by the firm to dismiss a petition for downward modification in child support. The Court stated that because there was no supporting affidavit or financial material attached to the petition, it was facially defective. The adversary also failed to establish that

Court dismisses petition for failure to establish a prima facie case Read More »

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